Wednesday, January 8, 2014

...holy fabric...

I didn't realize how much fabric I had.. Until, I cleaned...

Sew... My sewing room is basically a mess.. A mess really doesn't cover the tornado I walked into.. 

It's funny how much stuff you can accumulate over time. I have been quilting around 10 years now.. 

I haven't unpacked from various quilt retreats.. So before I can start any projects or finish anything I decided to clean..
David & Brian had some daddy/David bonding while I sorted & organized. 
 As I was cleaning I kept finding various strip sets, no idea what I was thinking or what the plan was if there was one. Anyone else do this?? 
It's not completely clean but it's better than it was... 
I think I might need a few more containers tho.. The fabric is overflowing from my bins...

I then started going over what I need for the bom I'm going to start... 


  1. You've had other priorities sweetie.

  2. If your room was all neat and tidy, you wouldn't be creating!
    David looks so content in Daddy's arms :)

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