Wednesday, December 5, 2012


It's how many days till Christmas?!
Oh, Santa would you please blow some of that Magic dust my way..
I haven't really started shopping..
Normally, I have something bought for someone.
but, not this year..
I've been so tired and lazy..
I'm 11 weeks and 2 days prego..
Totally have baby brain
(I am so forgetful these days its .. embarrassing)
I've got a couple birthday gifts to finish for my sisters by Sunday..
And I know I still have to do my Wicked drawing..
Gizmo has been just as lazy as I have been..
Tho, I think Gizmo and his sister Rosie are just as excited about
having a potental Brother or Sister on the way..


  1. Rest while you can Laura :) Gizmo looks sooo comfy.

    1. I hear I won't be sleeping much with in the next 18 yrs.. :)

  2. You poor thing! I was teaching school when I was pregnant. It was so hard to be nauseous and sleepy and still have to be cheerful and alert! Hang in there! Some things will wait for you!


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